Monday, May 4, 2009

Special 23rd Blast!

High intensity, focused - on the screen

What a celebration!!! It all started with the idea of sing-K with the SUT Core team a.k.a PUSH team. It was supposed to be last Monday but ended up we did it on Thursday since the next day was a holiday for all! Shawn's Birthday is on the 1st May, where the whole world is given a day off to 'celebrate' this day. 14 of us went to this place called Red Colosseum at Premier 101. The room was quite huge with comfortable sofas, etc. How much do we pay? RM28 per head and you are entitled to get any 2 drinks free. Those who drink a lot of beer will find this more worth it. Unfortunately / fortunately we are 'decent-inoocent' people who only take fruit juice. Hehehe... To cut the story short, after that night everybody comes to a conclusion of who deserve to 'K-King' title. Guess who? Our Lundu Boy, Alex Lai Qian Jie, brother of Lai Sia Ing. Wanna see how he looks like? Nah...

He was the 1st one to kick off the night! When he started to sing, we thought it was the ORI. Shockingly shocking...what a discovery!

The Birthday Boy - who is shy, pretend to be shy.

The party ended at about 2am, trying to make every second worth its value. I managed to knock off by 3am. Man... I haven't had such an 'early' night for a while now. It reminded me of THOSE days, in the beginning when I joined hOPE. For those who understand Foochow, this is what I'd sayL 'Jing jing li meh ho ka liew loh...jing jing xi lao low...' I had shepherding wth Ps Denis & Hai Eng on the next day, 9am at Jia Jia Court. Did I struggle to wake up? Well, those who know me, you should know by now that I will always wake up at about 7am, doesn't matter how late I sleep. Maybe those in my 'club' can identify with me? Hahaha... Lunch at Jia Jia Court together with the rest of the SUT gang was really 'fun'. Click to the link here to view the full story here:

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