Thursday, September 25, 2008


Before & After

Just a couple of months ago, I decided to paint my room. In fact all this while I have been making some changes in the house hoping to make some it more homey. With my limited time and skill, I did try my best and I'm pretty happy about it ;0)

I'm making my painting time at home as part of my 'Quiet Time' too. With my occupied schedule, that's the only time I can be still while painting the wall. It has always been a great experiemce; you know, listening to cool music, and painting at the same time.

If you feel bored and want to try something new, well just go to the paint shop and get yourself a 5-litre can of paint and do some painting. I promise the result is very rewarding and satisfying.

My cool paper-curtain!

I even design my own paper curtain; one in my room, the other in the guest room. Pretty cool huh? This is just perfect for me since I hate sunlight and it's really cheap!


Anonymous said...

wow no bad o... nice pic

Mr C said...

ano: mmm...who's this hey????