Thursday, July 2, 2009


It's the 2nd day of July. It's exciting and at the same scary to see how time flies SO fast! Someone mentioned this 'the older you get, the quicker you feel time flies'. How true it is? It is VERY true indeed. If you don't feel it now, you just have to wait; your time will come, and it's rushing really fast.

Quarter 3 is an important season for many; Secondary 3 & 5 will be having their public exam soon, for the church many big events are in the calendar waiting to be launched. One of them is the Official Opening of the New Church Building. From the day when I stepped into the church in Nov 1999, people have been talking about this since then. Finally after 10 years, the day is approaching. Soon and very soon we will have a permanent place called 'home'; a place where many can find hope because this is where God's presence dwells. I pray that this memorable 20 09 2009 will come true. Argh...if we still can't move in by then, maybe few of us should really just go there and camp there for a night! Anyone wanna join in? It will be a fun night, I'm sure!

Just a week before that, Bible Conference (BC) will be held in MBKS Auditorium. We'll have Merdeka Worship Retreat just 2 weeks before BC an the Youth will have our very 1st Anniversary the day before the Worship Retreat. Scary huh?! Not forgetting some members are going to Singapore to attend the 1st Global Conference (GC) a week before the Youth 1st Anniversary.

Aren't we 'worked' harder than our 'real' earthly work? To certain extend, yes we are. But that shouldn't be a surprise, should we? From the day we sign up as Hope Family Member, we knew all these were coming, sooner or later. Actually when we really think about it, Jesus really never promises us a bed of roses after believing Him. Maybe in certain times, there are so beds of roses somewhere, but they come with the irritating thorns. Argh...don't you want to take out your scissors to cut off the thorns? It's annoying, isn't it? Yes, of coz it is annoying! Otherwise Jesus won't ask us to Deny ourselves, Take up the Cross and Follow Him! What a tough thing to do huh! Yes, its tough, but that's the price to pay.

I pray that my Christian walk with the Lord is not just based and seen as what I do in the ministry alone. If people recognise me as someone leading worship on stage that's good. If people see me as someone who play great music, that's ok. But if we all can be recognised as a person who love Jesus so much that we are willing to love His people in many practical ways, we indeed hit the mark!

I love Paul Baloche's song 'Jesus My Reward'; where one of the lines says 'I just want to hear You say Good & Faithful Servant...'. That's all we need to hear from the Lord when we see His face.

Till the day...

1 comment:

Brenda, said...

Amen! Our relationship with God is the crux.
Our ministry does not save us, Jesus does :)